Monday, September 26, 2011

Caught between discourses of disease, health, and nation

In reading the chapter of caught between discourses of disease, health and nation on pg 47 second paragraph down I found my self very confused as to why they would appoint experts to study this problem. They were allowing immigrants to come in even though they knew it was going to be socially and economic draining. They knew their answer before it was going to happen but they still let it happen. I wonder why?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

12th grade reading response #1

During the seminar I was interested in the topic of equality. I instantly was thinking about school today. Are kids today in are school equal? I think on the level of respect that we are because we almost dress the same, men wear collared shirts and slacks and women wear dresses or collared shirts. Clothing is something that we use today to show if we are of equal standing or not. I believe that we no longer look at the colors of peoples skin but instead we look at the way they are dress. The way they are dressed shows that they are clean and they want to show their best effort in any way shape or form. We find this not to be true during the time that Jim Crow lived. "But the colored of a Negros skin makes him easily recognizable, makes him suspect, converts him into a defenseless target." Jim often felt the lack of equality do to the color of his skin. Equality is something that has not come easy for our country because of slavery, women's rights, workers right and many other things. We are in a constant battle.

Equality did not come cheap nor does it come cheap today. I have experienced people trying to buy my friendship just to be equal. They wanted to be cool and strong with hanging out with other people that were cool from the start. These people were willing to sell their self respect just to be apart of the cool crowd. When I read, From Stride Toward Freedom, I was able to connect this though to a statement in this story. "The Negro cannot win the respect of the white people of the South or the people of the world if he is willing to sell the future of his children for his own personal and immediate comfort and safety." It is expense to have the things that are most important to us in life. Whether its buying friendship or jeopardizing safety history has shown us equality comes with a high price. I enjoyed this seminar because it allowed me to think freely and focus on an important topic like equality.

Friday, April 29, 2011

blog #12

Dear Adam,

All is well here in Oklahoma. We miss you and looking forward to seeing you soon. I hope you get this letter and hopefully to have not gotten shot at in the process of your work. Also we are dressed back here because the only person that makes use happy is you. When will you send use more of the picture of Japan we kind of want to see them. Do you need any help up there if you just tell us. When do you think that the war will be over. Hope to see you soon.


Thursday, April 21, 2011


If I was president what would I do about the Genveas convention. I would change it to everyone should have the right to be treat the way I wanted to be treat. And that is with respect and not being torture to do things that they mostly don't want to do. I would also want them to be health so they should be feed feel. Also for there medical needs and what not's.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

life the book old

Life the Book

1. What are you most proud of in your Life: The Book writing? Try to describe this is detail!
Well I though I did better this time than I did last time. Well I put a lot of though into it because it was going to be a life story about someone I know and I knew I had to do my best.
2. What are some changes or new ideas that you have developed in your writing through the course of this semester?
Well writing out side and writing with friends are fun and we bounce off each other and it is sometime quieter when i am outside by myself.

3. If you had a little more time to work on your writing for LifE: The Book, what would you do differently? What would you change about your writing?

Well I think I would not change much but I would have a lot big essay than I have now.
4. How has the additional element of publication in a book affected the way you approach writing?
This make me work harder to get it done and a lot of people can see it and I am going to bring a copy to my old school so they can see what i am doing now.


1. What are you excited about, nervous about and wondering about?

Well I was excited to start internship with caterpillar because its a lot of fun and I get a lot out of it. I was nervous a little because I didn't know a lot of people. I am wondering if i will be helping them in the world of concrete which it the 17 - 21 of January.

2. Describe the project you'll do at internship, including the skills and technology you need to do it and what you hope your project looks like as a final product.

The project that i am going to be presenting will be a lot fun to do. I am going to build a mini bill board and advertising for the company and then I am going to make a power point to show what I did each day and describe it in a lot of info. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


3. This was the bombing of Iwo Jima. Wow that is a big explosion that did kill a lot of people. My great grandpa was in the Marine corps and was at

 2. Artist/ photographer is Andrew. The photo are flags of Great Britain, Japan, Serbia, Italy, Belgium, Montenegro, Russia and France. This was in 1914- 1916.


My Grandma's grandfather was sent to war while establishing a family. He voluntarily joined in the military and was sent to Iwo Jima. He was only there for a few years but these years affected him greatly. His family didnt have a lot of money and so his wife and two young kids had to live with her mother and father. When he came back he suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and often retold the story of a Japanese man he had killed. After he killed the soldier my great grandpa took his flag off of his uniform as a token of his victory. He made his kids ( my aunts and uncles) take the soldiers flag to school until it was worn thin. They were very proud of their dad. This story was past down from generations and it will continue to be told for many to come.
My grandma told me that my great grandfather was one of the soldiers lifting up the flag.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

semeter 2 blog # 8

1. At the war times he was capture and put into a underground meat locker.

2. The booming in the war lead to this book call slaughter house 5.

3. What book are you going to write next and How do you think I can improve on my writing to be a little more like your book and stories.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

One world week to Thailand

My first day was about leaving to Thailand at 5 am it was nice because I was ready to go for it. The first flight out took 12 hours but it felt more like 28 for me I ate chicken on the flight it was good but I drank a soda and it was not good it it made my stumic hurt for the whole day. It was me and iberias first time out of the country with out are parents and it was also are first time being together out side of the country too. The third day we went hiking to a water fall it was nice. The next day never existed. The third day we went for a small kayak ride and then we went into town to seven eleven and bought stuff and also I got some new Thai clothes. On Monday we went for a big kayaking ride and one of the kids got sick so we took her to the hosipital. Tuesday we are staying in town to do kick boxing and cooking also we did some painting. It was very fun I love the painting I mix a lot of colors and it turn out ok. I had trouble with the cooking because I was tring to write it down so when I get home I could made it for my family. The Thai boxing was fun I had never did it before but I have don't lot of other fighting. I was sparing with the teacher and he flipled kick me to the ground. But I came back gave him so good shoots to the body and then I got him and flip him down but accidentally body slammed the poor guy and that was it.

When we stay at are home stay it was really great. Are home stay person was letting us do almost what ever we liked like go walk at night down to the giloto which is Italian for ice cream. Are home stay person helped me with the mauy Thai boxing because he is also a teacher too. I though at first it was going to be a run down shack like place but then it was like amazing to see they had tv and electricity and etc. My home stay did not have a car but he had like 4 moopeds and a motorcycle.

When we started out at puket it looked a little crappy but the people were nice. The towns were small but very unec.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Construction work in the 60's and 70's

 During, my parent era in the 70's construction work starts to become a skilled trade and the industry starts demanding more trained workers. The type of work is dynamic, and changing at a
rapid pace over the last thirty years. "Although not the largest industrial sector,
construction is a key industry that is by far the most labour-intensive, but which provides the main economic pillar for future survival." (Cremers, 2004).

During this time construction workers maybe concerned with fair hiring practices. Seattle’s politics of fair employment changed when African American construction workers and activists began to protest racially exclusionary hiring practices in Seattle’s construction unions in the fall of 1969.These are the types of article topics that you would see in the newspapers.The things that I suspect to be the same would be the work quality among the laborers. I also think that all the tool and machines that they would have used would be the same as today. 

 In the 1960's when my grandparents were construction workers the economic  and political atmosphere was not at rest there were many things that in addition to a day at work that the laborers had to deal with. The Civil Rights campaigns of the 1960s, one of the most outstanding forces in twentieth-century U.S. history was empowering workers to stand up for there rights.  The antiwar movement actually consisted of a number of independent interests, causing another distraction for the workers at this time.

Some of the things that you may see in the news at this time are topic in relation to Hispanic, Black, Indian, and other migrant workers. An article that I found, Black Power at Work chronicles the history of direct action campaigns, fought to open up the construction industry to black workers in the 1960s and 1970s. I suspect that this would be the same because today's era still treats the different migrant workers with not a lot of respect. A few of them do have respect like my grandparents company.

Most structures constructed between 1920 and 1980 run a substantial risk of harboring asbestos products in the floors, walls, roof, insulation, pipes, boilers, fireproofing materials and other areas.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Blog 6 of semester2

  Iberia said as a pitch friendship because she had made a lot of friends there and friend from school was there working with her. To see more of what she said about this pitch. Pitch

Maira the pitch that I liked was the talking about the different view of the camera that she took. To see more of here work and in her words. Pitch 3

Noah His pitch integers me because he wants to talk about recycling which is nice for the environment. If like to see more or not. Pitch 1

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pitches for blog #5

Pitch #1

Hawthorne Times

The reason why I want to write about my Hawthorne internship is because it was a fun experience for me. It was also great to see my old friends there and to talk to them about upcoming events.Learning about Hawthorne Machinery will educate people about what goes on behind the scenes of this franchise. I am going to be talking about how Hawthorne Machinery has changed since the last time I was there because of the economy.

Pitch #2

During the summer I work for my grandparents' construction company.  I enjoy working there because they have great customer service and customers that come in and sell and buy construction equipment from the company. There are 5 different divisions of  the construction company. Also, as the economy changes the demand for jobs slows down and people get layed off.  I have noticed these changes over the years that I've worked there.

Pitch #3

Tee Times

My mentor likes to play golf and I do too. During the internship we talked about golf a lot. Golf is a sport where practice is key to learning and winning games. High Tech High (HTH) has a golf team and is looking for students to join, learn and be apart of the community. Golf is important to me because it doesn't just relax me, it also is a fun way of getting together with friends, practicing and socializing. It is important for businesses to get to know there customers just like Hawtrhorne they take people to golf because they like them and they want to build a strong relationship with them.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Inspiring articles for others to read

 Example provides for you in the way of inspiration, a good model to work from, a guide, etc.

 Phil Mickelson

golf with Mickelson

  The article that I was inspired by was on Phil Mickelson.The article provided a lot of detail that the reader could understands. I can see that each thought/quote is set up with spacings which allows the reader to slow down and value each piece of information. The author wants the readers to understand and get to know the characters in the story. I think in Ampersand I might use some of this writers ideas because it looks clean. You can see that the readers will understand the writing. Also, if the reader understands your writing they will then understand the characters and the story you are telling.

  This article is about a football recruit who picks the college he will represent. This article was found on the yahoo home page. This is a good model because it also demonstrates what I like in the Phil Mickelson article. The article puts important people in bold letters. This helps readers focus on those characters that are important to the article and if they want they can look up those characters and read more about them. the author uses bullet points to show another way to represent a story and important information. This article is a great guide for me to follow if I have important information I need to write about.

trader joes article

The thing that I most liked about this article was its catchy title. I like that it told me there were things I should or should not buy, without really telling me until I opened the article. It catches the readers and makes them want to find out more about what is going on. This is inspirational to me because I want my readers to read my article. I think that the important way to do that is to have a catchy title or subtitle. I am working on not making a hook so literal and more figurative.  

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

interview blog #3,28136,2033769,00.html

This interviewer is using delloge in his interview and when he put it down he would type the question and then put the answer after it.

This is also telling a story but he is also using delloge when he ask question and Phil answers them. 

They both are very good and they both tell a story. The people that are interviewing used everything when are learning today in class to write there interviews and both are the same but different in some ways.They both start off with a strong but not to strong intro. And they also use write to an ending and the lopt as well.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

blog #2

What have you read lately (say, since last semester), that you found interesting?

I have read lot of things like sign, one of the sequels to twilight and a lot of safety equipment tags and labels. sense last year I have finished 8 books. I also read a manual for maintenance because of my internship.

Why did it catch your attention?

Why did it catch my attention you say well it is good and safe to read the label that are on different machine so you know what maintenance that it needs and or repairs. the different sentences kept me guess on what will happen next and it was so hard to put down.

Monday, January 31, 2011

What are the big ideas that you are taking from internship into the next steps in your life?

I had renewed my skills like wood working and machinery operations because of the engineering class that I am taking this semester. I had a lot of enjoyment working with a lot of people but a lot of people do not get to have the ability and enjoyment of working with these kinds of people. I grow a bigger relationship with my mentor even more now them I did before because he is like my go to person to buy equipment. A lot of people I see that were my age never had that kind of privilege that I was able to have like going to Hawaii and Spain and a lot of other place but that was because my grandparent want me to represent their company at a young age level I woulds site and get free thing and when I look back to it I didn't care so much for it because i was happy ether way and now to this very day I still work and an represent my grandparent.

What are your plans for the coming semester?

Every semester I have some goals that I would like to meet even though the classes are challenging for my capability as a person with a disability. I  myself push for success everyday just for the fun of it. I am not getting a lot of special treatment that I was getting at my old school which is best for me. I am going to be doing my best to get A's and B's only this year. This semester I am going to be taking these class;

  • humanities
  • algebra
  • x block
  • engineering 
  • advisory
This year is new for me because I have been out of the country but not with out my parent and my old school never took use out of the country so this semester is going to be something I am going to be remembering always. This one world week I am going to be going to Thailand it is going to be a blast. 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

How might you continue your internship experiences beyond the scope of the HTHMA internship? What ideas, skills, connections and so on will you bring back to the rest of your life? Will you continue working with your internship beyond January of 2011?

I work for my grandparents so it is the  same way. As working for my internship. I am going to be helping my grandparents team with there safety stuff and there organizational skills. And I always work with my internship when I work for my grandparents, because they buy a lot of equipment from them and they also get there things maintained from them.

Describe your POL preparation process. What presentation tools are you planning to use? Are you relying on notes, a memorized talk, something else? How are you preparing for questions you might be asked? What are you planning to wear?

I used a projector and posters to show my audience what I have experienced for the last 4 weeks. I had a lot of cool question that they have asked me and I had to 10th graders there they took great notes. I knew every question that they were going to ask me a had of time. I know how to dress for presentation because i have done so many already and they though i looked good and appropriate for the work area i was in.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Internship week 3

Who benefits from the qork that you do at internship? How and/or why?

The business benefits from this.The reason why is that they get free labor. Also I and HTHMA benefits from this too. the reason also that I benefit from this is that i will have a great project and a great internship there. The reason how HTHMA benefits from this is that next time someone that wants to do tractors of construction internships then they could hook them up with Hawthorne machinery's.

 What are you thankful for in your internship experience? 

Well I am thankful for my a lot of things. like for  my grandparents for helping get this internship and for hthma for letting me go to this and having a great experience in learn something new. I also thankful for all the coworkers for helping me stay busy in there slow season. I also am thankful for the customers being so intragied with and intern looking professional and working so hard and so very organized.


Friday, January 14, 2011

Internship week 2

What is the biggest challenge face at your internship?

 my biggest challenge that I faced coming into internship was working again with big machines. I love to work with them because it is going to be my job in the future. Also these pictures show that I love working with them but they also show what kind of big machines I like the most. This is a excavator. The challenge on this excavator was to put a new bucket on to it with out scratching the paint and I had to do it blind folded. In the end it was easy listen to the machine and the voices and you can do.

How do you see yourself growing or changing over the course of your internship?

Well everyday there is always something new and challenging for me but what I did to get though those challenging spots were three things that I said to my self everyday there. those three things that I said were one this is my life going into the future and the second was you can do what ever you put your mind to if you just try and lastly I just keep a great attitude and put it all on the line everyday I am work out somewhere new. But also I kept it mind is what Darren and Randy said was Hey this is something that not a lot of kids get to do and that you are representing a company and high tech high schools.

Friday, January 7, 2011


1. What are you excited about, nervous about and wondering about?

Well I was excited to start internship with caterpillar because its a lot of fun and I get a lot out of it. I was nervous a little because I didn't know a lot of people. I am wondering if i will be helping them in the world of concrete which it the 17 - 21 of January.

2. Describe the project you'll do at internship, including the skills and technology you need to do it and what you hope your project looks like as a final product.

The project that i am going to be presenting will be a lot fun to do. I am going to build a mini bill board and advertising for the company and then I am going to make a power point to show what I did each day and describe it in a lot of info.