Saturday, March 19, 2011

One world week to Thailand

My first day was about leaving to Thailand at 5 am it was nice because I was ready to go for it. The first flight out took 12 hours but it felt more like 28 for me I ate chicken on the flight it was good but I drank a soda and it was not good it it made my stumic hurt for the whole day. It was me and iberias first time out of the country with out are parents and it was also are first time being together out side of the country too. The third day we went hiking to a water fall it was nice. The next day never existed. The third day we went for a small kayak ride and then we went into town to seven eleven and bought stuff and also I got some new Thai clothes. On Monday we went for a big kayaking ride and one of the kids got sick so we took her to the hosipital. Tuesday we are staying in town to do kick boxing and cooking also we did some painting. It was very fun I love the painting I mix a lot of colors and it turn out ok. I had trouble with the cooking because I was tring to write it down so when I get home I could made it for my family. The Thai boxing was fun I had never did it before but I have don't lot of other fighting. I was sparing with the teacher and he flipled kick me to the ground. But I came back gave him so good shoots to the body and then I got him and flip him down but accidentally body slammed the poor guy and that was it.

When we stay at are home stay it was really great. Are home stay person was letting us do almost what ever we liked like go walk at night down to the giloto which is Italian for ice cream. Are home stay person helped me with the mauy Thai boxing because he is also a teacher too. I though at first it was going to be a run down shack like place but then it was like amazing to see they had tv and electricity and etc. My home stay did not have a car but he had like 4 moopeds and a motorcycle.

When we started out at puket it looked a little crappy but the people were nice. The towns were small but very unec.

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