Thursday, September 16, 2010

My icon
by Dylan James Heberling- Coffman
 My icon is my Uncle Kevin, he works for the concrete industry. Before my Uncle was top dog for his crew he was at the bottom of the group.

  My grandfather was the first one in my family to start working in the concrete world. He started at a company called Nelson & Sloan, they worked with transit mixed concrete and sand/crushed rock material. Then my grandfather started up Coffman Specialties or for short it is called (CSI), When my Uncle Kevin saw my grandfathers company he decided to come and work for him. He started at the bottom of the chain but worked his way up to the top. Today at this company there are more then just Coffman, there is asphalt called Sim J Harris, Electric called Empower, and lastly the trucking called DT Trucking. I started working for Coffman in 2001 doing little things around there office. Then when I got older I started working for the company call D & H which is now DT Trucking. My pay started at $5.00 an hour and now it is $8.50 an hour not much but it will do. DT Trucking is the first letter of my first name and the first letter of my cousins name.

  My icon, is someone that I admire because when I get older, I want to be just like him. My grandfather taught him everything he knows so that he can show it to me and I can go and teach the next generation. Uncle Kevin would not just tell people what to do, if they did not understand it he would show them the right way to do it by helping them. He makes a differences in peoples lives, he leads by example and helps people achieve things to the best of their ability. My Uncle not only does this with his employees he demonstrates this around other contractor's as well. Most contractor's these days just tell people what to do. Uncle Kevin shows people how to make changes instead of just telling them. His crew is now stronger then the first time he tried; now Kevin can do both tell and show because he has gained their trust and respect. 

  He is an icon to me because he is showing me the difficulties there are in being a leader like him. I want to show his kids and mine all that he has taught me. He inspired me and a lot of other people to aim for success and grow in life. He also inspired himself to respect others and trust others at difficult times. When I get older I want to be a concrete worker or something in that field and put those skills that he taught me to good use. I want people to respect me like he does and to not look at the negative things but look at the positive things in life. That reminds me everyday that even though you are the bosses son or daughter, that you cant always be on top, you have to work hard and earn their trust, respect and put forth effort at your job. He works 16 hours a day and five day a week. My Uncle Kevin is an icon to me because he leads by example and is someone to look up to. He is  a great part of my life and I continue to make memories with him everyday.

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