Monday, September 27, 2010

Gun Rights in the US

The article that I chose is titled, Supreme Court Limits Local Gun Bans. This article discusses why Chicago liberals want guns ban because of gang violence. With a court ruling, the conservative moderates struck down the ban on guns by allowing  people to use handguns and  not need a trigger lock requirement. Justice Samuel Alito states that, "local officials still have leeway in crafting gun laws." Alito continues to discusses that Amendments are binding but their are always adjustments that can be made.

The amendment that I chose was the Second Amendment. This amendment was established for people, so that they have the rights to bear arms. This right to bear arms allows us to protect are selfs with the use of weapons. The article that I chose directly correlates to this amendment because it talks about how Chicago wants to ban guns.

Are amendments give us are freedom. The article shows the understanding that you can not take the peoples rights away to own guns but you can alter its restrictions on who can own them. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, an ardent proponent of gun control, said the ruling allows cities "to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and terrorists while at the same time respecting the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens."I feel that they should not ban guns because then terrorist can get them a lot easier and we want to protect are selfs from that kind of problem. This amendment is interesting to me because our country is still trying to change it.

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