Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blog # 9

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 Because it shows the how people fight for what they believe in. they fought for the African American freedom and if thaqt did not ever happen a lot of are class mates friend or family would ever be here. They would be inslaved still this video will touch all of you i have seen it before and it is amazing how the showed bravery and corage and a lot of other things for the freedom of the people and for the freedom of America

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this another song that i though was great for the freedom of America in the civil war

Monday, September 27, 2010

Gun Rights in the US

The article that I chose is titled, Supreme Court Limits Local Gun Bans. This article discusses why Chicago liberals want guns ban because of gang violence. With a court ruling, the conservative moderates struck down the ban on guns by allowing  people to use handguns and  not need a trigger lock requirement. Justice Samuel Alito states that, "local officials still have leeway in crafting gun laws." Alito continues to discusses that Amendments are binding but their are always adjustments that can be made.

The amendment that I chose was the Second Amendment. This amendment was established for people, so that they have the rights to bear arms. This right to bear arms allows us to protect are selfs with the use of weapons. The article that I chose directly correlates to this amendment because it talks about how Chicago wants to ban guns.

Are amendments give us are freedom. The article shows the understanding that you can not take the peoples rights away to own guns but you can alter its restrictions on who can own them. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, an ardent proponent of gun control, said the ruling allows cities "to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and terrorists while at the same time respecting the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens."I feel that they should not ban guns because then terrorist can get them a lot easier and we want to protect are selfs from that kind of problem. This amendment is interesting to me because our country is still trying to change it.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Blog # 7 what stands out

1) What stands out to me in my learning is that I am getting better in my writing and find other ways to communicate with others besides texting and calling like writing letters, blogging, and I have now 5 different email accounts.

2) Something that is working well for me in the class is working with my peers because I have never done that before. At my old school I would work alone or with the teacher if I got the chance.

 3) I can build more on my success in the classroom is by getting more involved with project that I know how to do. Also I can research new was to contact others by the computers beside email, facesbook and etc.

4) Some specific concrete and manageable actions that I can take are being on time to class and being prepared with everything that is necessary like; homework, classwork, and etc.

5) My goals in this class are coming everyday with the right work and the right attitude to learn.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My icon and me working.
My icon
by Dylan James Heberling- Coffman
 My icon is my Uncle Kevin, he works for the concrete industry. Before my Uncle was top dog for his crew he was at the bottom of the group.

  My grandfather was the first one in my family to start working in the concrete world. He started at a company called Nelson & Sloan, they worked with transit mixed concrete and sand/crushed rock material. Then my grandfather started up Coffman Specialties or for short it is called (CSI), When my Uncle Kevin saw my grandfathers company he decided to come and work for him. He started at the bottom of the chain but worked his way up to the top. Today at this company there are more then just Coffman, there is asphalt called Sim J Harris, Electric called Empower, and lastly the trucking called DT Trucking. I started working for Coffman in 2001 doing little things around there office. Then when I got older I started working for the company call D & H which is now DT Trucking. My pay started at $5.00 an hour and now it is $8.50 an hour not much but it will do. DT Trucking is the first letter of my first name and the first letter of my cousins name.

  My icon, is someone that I admire because when I get older, I want to be just like him. My grandfather taught him everything he knows so that he can show it to me and I can go and teach the next generation. Uncle Kevin would not just tell people what to do, if they did not understand it he would show them the right way to do it by helping them. He makes a differences in peoples lives, he leads by example and helps people achieve things to the best of their ability. My Uncle not only does this with his employees he demonstrates this around other contractor's as well. Most contractor's these days just tell people what to do. Uncle Kevin shows people how to make changes instead of just telling them. His crew is now stronger then the first time he tried; now Kevin can do both tell and show because he has gained their trust and respect. 

  He is an icon to me because he is showing me the difficulties there are in being a leader like him. I want to show his kids and mine all that he has taught me. He inspired me and a lot of other people to aim for success and grow in life. He also inspired himself to respect others and trust others at difficult times. When I get older I want to be a concrete worker or something in that field and put those skills that he taught me to good use. I want people to respect me like he does and to not look at the negative things but look at the positive things in life. That reminds me everyday that even though you are the bosses son or daughter, that you cant always be on top, you have to work hard and earn their trust, respect and put forth effort at your job. He works 16 hours a day and five day a week. My Uncle Kevin is an icon to me because he leads by example and is someone to look up to. He is  a great part of my life and I continue to make memories with him everyday.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Blog # 5

1) It was getting to know my icons back ground so that I can tell other people about his life and how it was effected and how he turn out to be the best of the concrete worker that any has every seen. why? When I took a journey to his end of the project and I could see that he works so hard to get this far and showed so many people how life can up date everyday of your life.

2) My though about this was hard because I learn so many and tried to use so many but I came up  with just a few that help out more then the others. They were the shot gun rule, the loopt, and swooper vs the basher.

3)  The most challenging for me was writing it down on the blog and revising it because I want to keep talking about him and how he helped me.

4) The most challenging for me was the shot gun rule because it didnt always work for this paticular topic.

5) He is an icon to me because he is showing me the difficulties there are in being a leader like him. I want to show his kids and mine all that he has taught me. He inspired me and a lot of other people to aim for success and grow in life. He also inspired himself to respect others and trust others at difficult times. When I get older I want to be a concrete worker or something in that field and put those skills that he taught me to good use. I want people to respect me like he does and to not look at the negative things but look at the positive things in life. That reminds me everyday that even though you are the bosses son or daughter, that you cant always be on top, you have to work hard and earn their trust, respect and put forth effort at your job. He works 16 hours a day and five day a week. My Uncle Kevin is an icon to me because he leads by example and is someone to look up to. He is  a great part of my life and I continue to make memories with him everyday. 

1. How do you think that I can change this closing if need?
2. Do you think my readers like this?why?
3. How do you think this relates to me and my icon?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Tuff love

This is something special to me it is my dog. I have know her since I was 5 years old and she was just a little pup. I grow up with her my whole life. Then I moved with her to my grandparents house and until today day.

Even though when she and I were little there was always a big connection between each other.When she and I were little we had good times and some bad ones and even some weird ones. But I though that this day would ever come. She is with the lord now and in a better place so I am happy for her, but sad at the same time.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Icons Loop

  My grandfather was the first one in my family to start working in the concrete world. He started at a company called Nelson & Sloan, they work with transit mixed concrete and sand/crushed rock materials. Then my grandfather started up Coffman Specialties or for short it is called (CSI). When my Uncle Kevin saw my grandfathers company he decided to come and work for him. He started at the bottom of the chain but work his way up to the top. Today at this company there are more then just Coffman, there is asphalt called Sim J Harris, Electric called Empower, and lastly trucking called DT Trucking. I started working for Coffman in 2001 doing little thing around the office. Then when I got older I started working for D & H which is now DT Trucking. My pay started at $5.00 an hour and now it is $8.50 an hour not much but it will do. DT Trucking is the first letter of my first name and the first letter of my cousins name. 

  He is an icon to me because he is showing me the difficulties there are in being a leader like him. I want to show his kids and mine all that he taught me. He inspired me and a lot of other people to aim for success and grow in life. He also inspired himself to respect others and trust others at difficult times. When I get older I want to be a concrete worker or something in that field and put those skills to good use. I want them to respect me like he did and not look at the negative things but look at the positive things in life. That reminds me everyday that even though you are the bosses son or daughter, that you cant always be on top, you have to work hard and earn their trust, respect and put forth effort at your job. He works 16 hours a day and five days a week. He is a hard worker that works a lot of hours. My Uncle Kevin is an icon to me because he leads by example and is someone to look up to.

1) I chose this opening because it was a way to give my reader a little bit information about My Uncle and I and how we started these jobs. In my closing I just want to say that if you respect everyone then they will respect you. 

2) My closing in my icon statement shows that Kevin has everything you want in a boss and in an employee. I showed you why he is my icon.

3) I hope that my readers can relate to this special person in my life with some one in their life. I am showing my true feelings about this person and they would want to know more ka huna (which means the secret in Hawaiian)of my life.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

American Icons and Resouces

The concrete industry is where a lot of my man part of the family started at. my grandfather work for a transit mixed concrete, sand and crushed rock company called Nelson & Sloan, in Chula Vista. Then my grandfather made Coffman Specialties which was small at first then. Next my uncle got into it and at first he was at the bottom of the totem pole but he worked his way to the top and there it is today. Coffman Specialties is now four companies in one. Which consisted of concrete, asphalt, electric, and lastly trucking. Now that i have been working a little bite with my grandparent. I work for the trucking company fix the trucking and just helping out which is cool because the trucking company is my first letter of my first name and my cousins first letter of his first name. So the name of the company is DT trucking. Working working for the company is fun and helpful people help you to have more skills which is nice because when you get to that field you ether fail or you learn as you go which can help you in the future of life.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Artist Statement

My icon

 My icon is my Uncle Kevin, he works for the concrete industry. Before my Uncle was top dog for his crew he was at the bottom of the group.

  My grandfather was the first one in my family to start working in the concrete world. He started at a company called Nelson & Sloan, they worked with transit mixed concrete and sand/crushed rock material. Then my grandfather started up Coffman Specialties or for short it is called (CSI), When my Uncle Kevin saw my grandfathers company he decided to come and work for him. He started at the bottom of the chain but worked his way up to the top. Today at this company there are more then just Coffman, there is asphalt called Sim J Harris, Electric called Empower, and lastly the trucking called DT Trucking. I started working for Coffman in 2001 doing little things around there office. Then when I got older I started working for the company call D & H which is now DT Trucking. My pay started at $5.00 an hour and now it is $8.50 an hour not much but it will do. DT Trucking is the first letter of my first name and the first letter of my cousins name.

  My icon, is someone that I admire because when I get older, I want to be just like him. My grandfather taught him everything he knows so that he can show it to me and I can go and teach the next generation. Uncle Kevin would not just tell people what to do, if they did not understand it he would show them the right way to do it by helping them. He makes a differences in peoples lives, he leads by example and helps people achieve things to the best of their ability. My Uncle not only does this with his employees he demonstrates this around other contractor's as well. Most contractor's these days just tell people what to do. Uncle Kevin shows people how to make changes instead of just telling them. His crew is now stronger then the first time he tried; now Kevin can do both tell and show because he has gained their trust and respect. 

  He is an icon to me because he is showing me the difficulties there are in being a leader like him. I want to show his kids and mine all that he has taught me. He inspired me and a lot of other people to aim for success and grow in life. He also inspired himself to respect others and trust others at difficult times. When I get older I want to be a concrete worker or something in that field and put those skills that he taught me to good use. I want people to respect me like he does and to not look at the negative things but look at the positive things in life. That reminds me everyday that even though you are the bosses son or daughter, that you cant always be on top, you have to work hard and earn their trust, respect and put forth effort at your job. He works 16 hours a day and five day a week. My Uncle Kevin is an icon to me because he leads by example and is someone to look up to. He is  a great part of my life and I continue to make memories with him everyday. 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

american icon picture

Uncle Kevin and myself heading to work

blog # 1

1. answer: my hopes are that I pass my first semester so I can go on to the second semester and do sports after school. Be able to fit in well at this school which looks like i am so far. I wish that I do better then my old school and be able excel from it. Goals one goal that I have to be able to fit in with other like I did in my old school, second goal is to get throw the first semester so the second semester i can do after school sports.
2. Like I said before at my old school I never able to push my self further then what I was at because they didn't have anything farther then what I was on. I want to push myself passed what I was doing so I can get better and improve. I am not a writer in some spots but in others I excel in then like poetry and short stories like that. And in history I want to learn more and like to do project because it is one of the strengths and improve on my weaknesses so I do not have any. Because like phrase goes you are only strong as your weakest link.
3.answer: Play sports and hang out with friend at sports. You can have fun and if u lose it does not matter because you are just having fun.if you can have fun and win it's even better

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

American Icons

1. answer: My Uncle is an icon to me because when I get older I want to be just like him.
2. answer: His Father was important to him because he tote him everything he knows. So that he can show it to me so I can go forth and teach it to the next generation.
3. answer: He would not just tell people what to do if they did not understand it he would show then the right way to do it. it makes everyone look good and shows the other contractor how well he is because most contractors just tell people what to do but this contractor my uncle shows everyone who needs the help instead of the other way because his crew now is so strong they don't need him to show them because they respect him but he like to help out still.
4 answer: He be came important to because he showed me the difficulty in being a leader like so i can show his kids and mine if i have any.
5 answer: He inspired a lot of people like other contractors and me and a lot of other people that he hangs out with. He also inspired his crew to respect him.
6. how does these relate to me. Because when i get older I want to be a concrete work or something like that and put those skills that I learn so that i get my works and others to respect me the same way as he did. in fact before he was the top dog for his crew he was at the bottom of the group. So what reminds me everyday even though you are the bosses son or daughter that you cant be always on top you have to gain there trust and put a lot of effort out everyday. He did that and right now he works 16 hours a day or more and then times that by the week and you get a lot of hours and respect.