Wednesday, December 8, 2010

blog # 20

fed vs anti-feds

 Health care was one of the things that we talked about during  history. Also the fact is that health care is still a piece of history because people are still arguing about. President Obama made a stand and implemented a health care plan that most people do not understand. This also relates to fed vs anti-feds because the democrats want the health care to change and the republicans do not want universal health care, or the manner that it has been setup at this point. I think this is on both fed and anti-feds side because one wants it one way and the other wants it the other way. I am going to be interviewing my grandpa about this and seeing what he thinks it was or will be.

His thoughts on on my topic in points.


  • government controls providers
  • government controls and dictates coverages 
  • government Obama demand control of health care providers
  • providers approved by government are in control of cost and services

  • government should limit cost coverages
  • government should not control and adminster
  • Doctors and medical professionals should be in control.
government had made health care inefficient and costly they need to deregulate.
  • providers make margin profits and decrease quality of care 
  • government needs to allow open competition of providers across state lines
  • government need to tort reform to limit cost of malpractice suits. Obama has and will make health care cost more and coverage and care will decrease

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