Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blog # 17

1. By Kudlow "Then there’s the charade of all those private health providers visiting the White House and promising $2 trillion in savings. Utter nonsense." he said this because it is true that a lot of private health providers do this because they just want money to come there way.

This impact my character a lot because they had a lot of trouble paying for their own bill for treatment for their daughter and my best cousin.

2. By George F. Will "a nation-ruining issue." he says this because right now it is a nation- ruining issue because Obama did not fix the issue he just covered it up on top of the issue.

This impacts my character for life the book because it would have been nice to have medicare for this treatment so she didn't have to pay a lot out of pocket. and that they said that in four years this will be fix and in full affect saying that kid can still be under there parents health care coverage until the age of 26.

3. By Joel A. Harrison "Recognizing these hidden costs that U.S. households pay for health care today makes it far easier to see how a universal single-payer system—with all of its obvious advantages—can cost most Americans less than the one we have today." I agree with him because then everyone would have health care coverage even the children and we wouldn't have to pay for it until later though tax. This will also impact my character for my story life the book because it was hard for my cousin to fund raise just enough money to pay for her treatment.

4. By Randell Hoven "In fact, we pay more for health care in taxes than countries that provide universal coverage."  "Then we pay more than that amount again in private coverage." I agree because in Joel Harrison's view again state " we pay 15% of coverage in GDP health care and others only paid about 8-10% of the coverage. this impact my character because it is showing that America is paying more then they have to it should be on the other Countries to pay for more of the health care because they are smaller them America."

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blog # 13

Big Idea

4. The history of Non- Hodgkins Lymphoma cancer. Hodgkin's Lymphoma (Disease) has a colorful history: It was not the first cancer discovered but it was one of the first in which treatments were investigated and ultimately successful. The importance may lie in a long-term survivor matching their treatment time frame to determine which treatments and methodologies were used and available during the same time.
Government funding is divided among many different forms of cancer. Today the government provides 130.9 million dollars towards Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
3. Cancer invade the lymphatic system. lymphatic system (lim-FA-tik SIS-tem)
The tissues and organs that produce, store, and carry white blood cells that fight infections and other diseases. This system includes the bone marrow, spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, and lymphatic vessels (a network of thin tubes that carry lymph and white blood cells). Lymphatic vessels branch, like blood vessels, into all the tissues of the body.
2. Science picture for Big idea

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blog # 16

This quote impacts my article for life the book because if my character had health care then she would not have had fund raising opportunity, but that would be good and she would be happy ether way.

By Sen. Berrie Sanders "I think the answer to the first question is pretty clear, and one of the reasons that Barack Obama was elected president. Most Americans do believe that all of us should have health care coverage, and that nobody should be left out of the system. The real debate is how we accomplish that goal in an affordable and sustainable way. In that regard, I think the evidence is overwhelming that we must end the private insurance company domination of health care in our country and move toward a publicly-funded, single-payer Medicare for All approach."

His quote impacts my article because when my cousin went into the hospital she had a lot of visitor from me, her soccer team/ fund raising team, and a lot of other family members.

By Bryan Young "Is this bad enough to need an emergency room visit?"

this doesn't really impact my article because he is not showing quotation points on his view. I can say that what he should of done was gone down to a hospital and ask the doctor to take a survey and see how many people are pay with out health care coverage and how many are because my character had to fund raise to get her money to pay for her treatment. that is what good friends do for each other and team mates and etc. 

By Hornberger "At its core, the solution to America’s health care crisis lies in the abandonment of the notion that health care is a right." 

This impacts my article because it is saying if I had food one day and the next day I needed to go to the doctor will i be able to afford my health bill with out medicare.

By Helen Redmond "The health care crisis impacts every aspect of our lives down to the most seemingly insignificant personal decisions we make. This national bully terrorizes and forces us to live in fear."

These quotes express how they are changing health care for all ages and that includes adolescence which would have been nice for my character to have health care coverage.

By Reid “demands for the first time in American history that good health will not depend on great wealth.”   “acknowledges, finally, that health care is a fundamental right—a human right—and not just a privilege for the most fortunate.”

This impact my article because it is showing how sometimes health is affordable but sometimes they aren't like my character but ether way we can save her life would make no difference really the only difference would be that she would not have had to pay but medicare would pay for here. 

By Barack Obama “affordable health care” “decent standard of living”

Sunday, October 24, 2010

blog # 15

4. Describe the types of health care problems Americans face, and the government's role in seeking solutions.
there are a lot of different health issue these days. here are the top 10 from .

Question 4 relates to my topic because cancer is in the top 10 health care problems in America.

1. Using a specific example, describe what makes a compelling character in narrative nonfiction or literary journalism. 
Well in the covenant study guide shows that the compelling character is the main character or the one who is telling the story.

2. Using a specific example, describe what makes an interesting plot in narrative nonfiction or literary journalism.

An interesting lot has to have a good character, a setting to go with the story and a problem that the character has to over come and a solution to the problem. from the Darwin surprise in my view and what i see in my view.

3. What specific steps do authors take to write non-jargon-based scientific writing?
In open channel the scientific quotes, I think shows the non- jargon- based writing because it gives out a lot of background information to the reader. So they can go back and understand the writer prospective.

4. What specific steps do authors take to encourage their readers to connect with their stories?
Well they make  them so they are ether interested in the story so much that they want more like concerts not pancakes and they add in things that will help the reader understand there prospective and they might want to learn more about certain discovery's that are happening around the world. this is what I get at from the covenant when I look at the article and what my friends have wrote about it. 
All these question that Randy gave use can help me make my report better in a lot of ways and all this is paying off I think now. I think that all of us are going to make great reports so we can share with the world and share are opinion on a topic that we now a lot about also showing the problem that some of are families are going throw right now.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blog # 14

1. The young adult t cell beginning stages of non Hodgkins large cell t cell in the genetic technology is in biopsy first, second is treatment with chemotherapy with one or more drugs.

2. One relevant government agency is National Cancer Institute. It is about the clinical trails and how they are changing the drug progressions.

3. This is historical and cultural and relevance because they were 3 female children from japan and they all had the same cancer. . this is relevant to my first article listed above in question 2. .

4. this is talking about how you get your child involved in the trail. it also gives you back ground so people can help donate money to fine a cure and introduction about the disease. .

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Blog # 12

Idea # 1- I would like to work outdoors. I don't want to be alone. I like to work with people. I like to fix things like cars, trucks and overhauled trucks like I have been do working with.

This is the me and the trucker doing some maintenance on his truck.

 Idea # 2 - I like to help out with kids and I love the outdoors. I also like to do sports with teams and alone like (Golf, Basketball, Football, etc)

Idea # 3 I like to work in a business that does auto motive like Kragen Auto parts or like a tire shop or something like that I can get my hands dirty.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Blog # 11

Social Networking
 social networking

People getting paid by someone else to do there blog or twitter to cover for their payee. People that look at their blogs or twitter judge a book by it cover before they even get to know the real them.

Out sourcing social networking

Would you out source you own blog or twitter? The relate article above talk about the following example of social networking and paying someone else to relay their message.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blog # 10

 The root cause for Michael Westermans death was that he was sharing his opinion and the fact that they just got out of the war make it look bad and also he was in the wrong area at wrong time.
 Also in the fact that the people and Michael did not know a whole lot about the war they just new that it was bad and they need to take the right side.
Robert Penn Warrens childhood started off at a raw railroad town ringed by the fields of dark tobacco leafs. known as "the black patch."
The other packets that we did before are all connected in a way because if it wasn't you would not of given it as an assignment that didn't connect with are work for the mock trail. Also with the mock trail coming in it is going to have to tie all of the key component together to win the full vote out of all of use putting a lot of detail in the limited time that they have. So for all of the lawyers and witnesses i think that it will be a good mock trail to looking forward too.